Let’s journey together!
Making that first call can be scary.
I remember how embarrassing it was to tell a stranger about the struggles my son. I want you to know, I’ve got you. When you reach out, you’re getting me directly. You don’t need to worry about having to tell your story multiple times to different people until you finally get through to me. Whether you call, or email, or leave me a voicemail, I’ll be the one to hear your message and call you back.
You may not know what to say. Likely you’ve never done this before. I’ll patiently guide you through the process providing you with information and asking what I need to know to help you decide what to do next.
You can call me directly at 636-795-3155. You can email me at deborahwoodsncc.com. Or you can book a free parent consultation using the book an appointment link I provide below. You get to decide what works best for you.
Take the first step. Let’s explore what’s possible together.