
Ever wondered how to keep things moving smoothly when it’s time to switch gears? Whether you’re managing your own schedule or helping little ones transition from play to play, a tip from the world of play therapy might just be what you need. Let’s dive into how a consistent script can work wonders!

Consistency is Key

In play therapy, we have a little secret for staying on track and making transitions smoother for kids. It’s all about using specific phrases consistently. When these phrases are repeated over time, they become anchors, signaling to the child what’s expected next and helping them shift gears seamlessly.

A Phrase for All Seasons

Take, for example, the phrase, “Now is the time for going.” It’s a simple line, but it packs a punch. When playtime is wrapping up, this phrase lets the kiddos know that our time together in the playroom is coming to an end. But here’s the kicker—it’s not just for the playroom. Heading out to the store? “Now is the time for going to the store.” It’s the same line, just slightly tweaked, and it works like a charm.

Walk the Talk

But wait, there’s more! For this script to really do its magic, your actions have to match your words. Saying, “Now is the time for going,” means you start moving, heading towards the door. It’s about showing through your actions that it’s truly time to wrap things up and move on.

Closing Thoughts

So, there you have it— “Now is the time for going.” It’s a small phrase with big potential. It’s about more than just ending playtime; it’s a versatile tool that can help navigate various transitions, big and small. So why not give it a whirl? You might just find that it’s the key to smoother transitions and clearer communication.

Happy transitioning! 🙂

Deborah Woods, NCC


Learn more about Deborah Woods and her work with kids by clicking the Meet Deborah button below.

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Check out Deborah’s book Brave Empathy: A Feelings Field Guide to bring the empathy of the playroom into your home. Help your child develop emotional intelligence and self-regulation.