Hello, fellow parents! Today, I want to talk to you about a big problem that’s happening right here in Missouri—preschool expulsion. Did you know that preschools are kicking out 12 out of every 1000 preschoolers? It’s a serious issue that not only affects...
I meant to take a photograph of the miracle moment I had with my son today. Truly I did. In the end, I went with a stock photo. It doesn’t really capture the loveliness of the experience. It doesn’t show you the relief and joy I feel as the mom of a...
Do you prefer being inside or outside with your kids? Are you drawn to a comfortable couch and a cool air conditioned room? Are you pulled outside by the possibilities of roaming the wilds?What about your kids? Are their preferences the same as yours?Some kids are...
The way I see it, being a mom in a pandemic, you deserve a standing ovation. You’re doing enough of the things to keep the kids on somewhat on track with their schoolwork at home. You’re trying to keep up with work responsibilities from home. You’ve...
Kids are bombarded with amazing opportunities from dance lessons, and soccer, to robotics, and drama club. One 8-year-old girl in my office counted ten after school activities she thought she just had to participate in to be happy. Mom was overwhelmed with the girl’s...